We are a research group supervised by Prof. Tsung-Wei (TW) Huang at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) in the University of Wisconsin at Madison. Our group creates novel software systems to simplify the building of performance-critical applications, such as electronic design automation (EDA), machine learning (ML), and quantum computing. Our software has been used by thousands of people in industry and academia.
Our research group is situated at the beautiful Madison City - an Isthmus between Lake Mendota and Lake Monona. Madison has been consistently placed top in the list of Best Places to Live in the US and Top College Towns in the US.
According to 2024 US News, the ECE Department of UW-Madison is ranked #9 among public universities and #15 among all universities.
We are looking for highly self-motivated PhD, MS, and undergraduate students to join us, doing research on parallel computing, computer-aided design, quantum computing, and machine learning systems. My students have been collaborating and working with many companies, such as Nvidia, Intel, Cadence, Synopsys, IBM, Google, Huawei, and so on.
Please email Prof. Huang your resume and research interest (see our Research and Why Join Our Team?).
We are grateful for funding from University of Utah, University of Wisconsin, National Science Foudation, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, NumFocus, Nvidia, and Intel.
Wan-Luan's paper, iG-kway
, is accepted by the ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC)!
Shui Jiang's paper, BQSim
, is accepted by the International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS)!
Our Taskflow-based collaborative project (with Arizona State University and University of Arizona) is accepted by International Workshop on Extreme Heterogeneity Solutions (ExHET) at PPoPP!
21. Jan 2025Che (Randy) Chang's paper, PathGen
, is nominated for the Best Paper Candidate in 2025 IEEE/ACM Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC)!
Aditya Das Sarma received the Honorable Mention (6th place out of 90 globally registered teams) in the highly competitive 2024 ICCAD CAD Contest!
31. Oct 2024Prof. Huang received the prestigious 2024 ICCAD 10-year Most Influential Paper Award!
25. Oct 2024Prof. Huang gave a talk to the Arizona State University (ASU)!
17. Sep 2024Thank you, Rivos Inc, for visiting our group and delivering a fantastic talk!
2. Sep 2024Wan-Luan's, Randy's, and Boyang's papers accepted by 2025 IEEE/ACM Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC). Congratulations!
30. Aug 2024Cheng-Hsiang Chiu's paper is accepted by 2024 IEEE High-performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC). Congratulations!